Subterrestrials is an exploration into the hidden worlds of nature - that which lives beneath the trees, below the pond scum, inside thickets, under fallen leaves, or revealed by melting snow.
Subterrestrials is also my exploration of and experimentation with color.
Unless otherwise noted, these acrylic paintings are done on both sides of a Mylar surface (an opaque plastic paper),
which is later adhered to a 1.5" thick cradled wooden panel. Mylar produces the clear and obscure layers of these hidden worlds.
It also allows me to add and subtract.
Subterrestrials is also my exploration of and experimentation with color.
Unless otherwise noted, these acrylic paintings are done on both sides of a Mylar surface (an opaque plastic paper),
which is later adhered to a 1.5" thick cradled wooden panel. Mylar produces the clear and obscure layers of these hidden worlds.
It also allows me to add and subtract.