M y b a c k g r o u n d
Largely self-taught in the disciplines of drawing, painting, printmaking, collage, and book making, I have made art all of my life, even during my career in ESL (English as a Second Language) teaching and editing. I have exhibited my work throughout the U.S., and my handmade artists books reside in the rare book collections of several university and college libraries and booksellers. In 2016, I presented my first solo exhibition of Field Notes, at the Missoula Art Museum, which went on to show in Sheridan, Wyoming and Portland, Oregon. I was one of 60 artists chosen for the Inaugural Montana Triennial. My work has also been included in various poetry publications and poetry websites. After several decades of living away, I returned to my home state of California in the fall of 2018, where I now live, write and make art in Berkeley.
C o l l e c t i o n s
2022 Two artist books purchased by the Doheny Memorial Library at the University of Southern California
2019 Three artist books purchased by The Bowes Art & Architecture Library at Stanford University, California
2019 Three artist books purchased by the Special Collections Library at the University of Denver, Colorado
2019 One artist book purchased by UC Irvine Library - Irvine, California
2018 Two artist books purchased by the Special Collections of Smith College Libraries - Northampton, Massachusetts
A w a r d s
2021 April/May - Honorable Mention - The Altered Book - MarinMOCA - Novato, California
2015 June - Blue-Ribbon Winner - 'Scapes / Land-Sea-Mind - Radius Gallery - Missoula, Montana
2014 April - Brush Creek Foundation for the Arts Residency - Saratoga, Wyoming
2011 April - May - Jentel Artist Residency - Banner, Wyoming
E d u c a t i o n
1996 MA degree in TESOL – Columbia University – New York, New York
1993 MA degree in East Asian Studies – Columbia University – New York, New York
1989 BA degree in Art History – Manhattanville College – Purchase, New York
P u b l i c a t i o n s
2016 Missoulian - Entertainer Section - June 2, 2016
2015 Evening Will Come, issue 56, in thevolta.org
2012 High Desert Journal - Vol. 15 - May 2012
2011 Missoulian - Entertainer Section - March 2011
2009 Montana Triennial Exhibition Catalogue - Missoula Art Museum
2009 Missoulian - Entertainer Section - “Torn Apart” - June 12, 2009